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3 Psychological Blocks Holding You Back and How To Overcome Them

A lot of people are yet to achieve their dreams and goals. When you talk to them, they give a lot of reasons as to why they are yet to attain their true potential.
These reasons might seem okay at first glance. They might seem valid as a lot of people have them, but they are no more than what they truly are. Excuses.
If these things are examined critically, you will see that no one should have any of these as an excuse.
First Barrier: I am very busy
A lot of people say that they have no time. If you think that a huge chunk of time will magically appear for you to do that thing you've been postponing for some time, you are wrong.
There might never be enough time. No one has more than 24 hours in a day. You have to find the time and do what you want to do.
There are so many unnecessary things that we do today that take a whole lot of our time. These things are not compulsory, and they add nothing to our lives. Yet, we do them repeatedly and think that time will magically appear from nowhere.
Cut off those TV shows. Stop spending a lot of time on social media. Turn off distracting notifications on your smartphones.
Those things do you no good, and yet you spend a lot of time on them. Cut them out, and you will see that you have a lot of time for the most important things.
Stop waiting for the day or week when you will have a lot of time. Stop waiting for a vacation or a magical break. Create that time now.
Start with a simple time allocation. Then you can increase the time allocated as time goes on.
Second Barrier: I don't know enough
A lot of times we think that what we know is insufficient. We think that we need to take our time in learning everything about something before we start.
We think that we need to spend more time analyzing, researching, learning the ropes, evaluating samples etc.
Yes, it is good to learn the basics before jumping into something new. But there must be a limit to this. You can spend all the time learning and learning. You need to take a step forward.
A lot of people overdo the learning process. They never stop learning. They take too much time without ever starting.
To solve this, give yourself a definitive time frame. Give yourself an exact amount of time that you must use to learn something and spend just that time.
Do not spend more than the allocated time. Once that time is up, stop learning and start whatever you want to start.
Third Barrier: I need this or that to start
Sometimes we think that we need to have everything before we start something.
We think that we need to have a completely furnished office with a secretary before we start a business.
We think that we need the latest camera or the latest photo editing software before we start photography.
We think that we need the latest oven and kitchen equipment before we start our catering service.
We think that we need to get some special clothing, a smartwatch or a home gym before we start exercising.
If you don't start with what you have, you may never start at all. No one started with everything. They started little and added more to what they had gradually.
Google started in a garage. Amazon started in a small office. A lot of big enterprises that you see started as very small businesses that expanded regularly.
You attaining greatness is dependent on you and not on your equipment or gadget. The equipment that you use doesn't matter. It is what you do with what you have that matters.
If you can get rid of these mental barriers, you are on your way to the top. You don't need to know everything or have everything you need. You don't need to be in the mood or have enough time. Get rid of these mental barriers and act now!
Hitesh Sahni is a freelance marketing consultant, writer, and life coach helping people and businesses grow and succeed. Read more articles like this on, or check out his collection of the best links on the web -

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