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The Priority Within You

We must work on ourselves consistently and constantly. With that said. Let me tell you something: This morning, I was going through a personal crisis of feeling and reality. The feeling was that life seems not to be worth it, and the reality is that it is worth it in every way. Reconciling the feeling and reality was hard, but I did it. I did it walking up to this library I am writing this article in. Here is how:
As we get unconsciously and carelessly sad in our clothes, we all have the same clothes to change our feelings and get consciously glad in that we are alive and well, and working. We have to find the reasons within ourselves deeply and consciously to "keep it going" realistically, yet honestly. Situations may seem daunting, but it is as simple as filling our glass instead of draining it usually and then giving a conscious blessing to the glass full of liquid to quench our thirst. We all must replace empty negative energy with positive energy to get us going for real, and we must charge ourselves before we use ourselves also, for if you are coasting you will eventually stop, that is reality.
We must have sense about ourselves in existence. We must not be temporary, we must be permanent if we really want to "do it". That means, we must realistically plan, project and operate right or get disappointed at some level.
The genuine appointment is our responsibility and solely our responsibility and call anyway. Reality to be conquered, must be totally obeyed in every way that counts is what I am saying. Patience is not just a virtue, but the most genuine of necessities, especially during your down times or the down times in your life and existence. If everything is ebbing or down, get ebullient and see how you can genuinely improve, and you can go up from there. The priority within you is to succeed genuinely, that is the priority, nothing else matters.
Sure, I could say more in that paragraph, realistically. What would be the point, though except a tangent. If you want to blaze a trail of come back, you must blaze it yourself is what I am saying and every step must appeal genuinely to your inner logic, genuinely, or it cannot work. You must have that conviction for it to fully work. Without that conviction, the steps are empty and not climbed yet really.
I know, some of this is depressingly practical advice, but where else can you start. After all, every plant grows from the dirt and seed on up or in hydroponics, the bottom water tank and seed on up. It cannot work any other way unless you have God like powers to do that. My Dad Joseph used to say "Scientist, if you can create miracles genuinely, create me some dirt!" I understand what he was saying with that seemingly silly statement now: I would like to mention the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth unwritten commandments of Moses the Prophet in my Bible of nature which are, which I think about often, and mention here:
Commandment #11: You shall not get away with it.
Commandment #12: You will really understand.
Commandment #13: You cannot win against the genuine law if you try to win against it, however logical you seem.
And I end with the final Commandment of Jesus Christ: Love one another as I have loved you or Do unto others as I would do unto you. Personally, I think it all comes down to one final thing: Be real.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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